Saturday, August 24, 2019

Why World War 2 had the most importance in the 20th century Essay

Why World War 2 had the most importance in the 20th century - Essay Example Post Second World War, the belt of dictatorship became loose. Dictatorship had been a major cause that had led to the rise of the war. Additionally, the war did usher a period of Atomic age. Utilization of the atomic bombs did indicate the advancing nature of weaponry in wars. It was the turning point of many societal issues (Dorn, pg. 540). Many opportunities did erupt after the war, and any person who grabbed them did benefit greatly. Women were the greatest achievers and beneficiaries. The symbol of the women during the war period was Rosie the Riveter. She demonstrated the woman’s worth. She was a strong woman walked head high with super self-esteem. She reversed the mentality that the place of a woman is in the kitchen. Women became a part of the team involved in welfare. They did work as hard as men, and sometimes even harder than the way men did. They had skills to operate heavy machines (Sokoloff, pg. 315). The summation of the war ended up with a third of the women as part of the army fighters. During the war period, women were granted better privileges at work. They were the backbone of the economy. They could build and maintain heavy machinery, as well as operate them. They received a pay increase. The event was detrimental to the position of woman in the society. The African Americans were beneficiaries of the event. There was a down surge in the discrimination levels after the war. Prior to the war commencement, the whites detested any assistance from their black Americans counterparts. In fact, they did hang a big notice in their stores â€Å"No Help Wanted.† After the war, they changed it to â€Å"Help Wanted.† Many African Americans did secure a job and made them earn a decent living. The order from the American president in 1941 even paved a great path for the elimination of discrimination. The President made an order that four businesses linked with the government should support racial equality. In the war, the black

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